Using Eye Contact to Connect with Your Audience1

  1. Eye contact is the number one skill to reduce your nervousness.
  2. Holding eye contact is the best way for you to gather your thoughts, think clearly and remember what to say.
  3. The goal is to connect with individuals in the room whether there's 10 people or a hundred people or 300 people, you've got to have eyeball to eyeball connection with individuals in the room.
  4. Here's what I told Pam, she wants to have a stronger connection with the individuals in the room, her problem is she's trying to look at everyone in the room but not really connecting with any one person.
  5. Talk to one person at a time as if you were coaching them, then once you've finished with this person, slowly move your eyes to the person sitting next.

Using Vocal Energy to Excite Your Audience2

  1. There are a number of ways to create vocal projection and intonation into your style, you can tell stories use people's names or relive an experience.
  2. We're going to work on vocal energy and excitement enthusiasm and bringing your personality into your style, here's how you do that pick a personal story that is exciting or frustrating that's the easiest way.
  3. we consciously become aware of where we're going to start off, we just don't start random, so you're going to go, you're going to start on the left hand side of the room, you're going to engage this side of the room for about three or four sentences.
  4. Put your heart into your communication.
  5. Think of a story you can tell to personalize your message on occasion, use people's names call out to them while you're presenting, ask questions that elicit emotion and intrigue.
  6. If you're excited, they will get excited with you. If you're not, they surely don't want to get approval for your ideas and get people motivated. You have to tell and show them that you're excited.

Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about it)3

If you want someone to consider factual information that clashes with their beliefs.

  • First you have to prevent their brain from seeing you as a personal threat. Look for ways to identify the person as part of your tribe and you as part of theirs.
  • Second, consider the possibility that you may be wrong, maybe the facts are not on your side, in which case admitting it will help you model to the other person that it's okay to be wrong.

We have to learn to get past our own natural biases, only when that happens, we will be able to move forward, towards a better future.

最后修改:2022 年 03 月 24 日