A typical inverse design problem requires optimization in high-dimensional space, which usually involves lengthy calculations. For example, in photonics, where the forward calculations are well understood with Maxwell’s equations, solving one instance of an inverse design problem can often be a substantial research project. 反问题通常需要在高维空间进行优化
There are many different ways to solve inverse design problems, which can be classified into two main categories: the genetic algorithm (5, 6) (searching the space step by step) and adjoint method (7) (mathematically reversing the equations). 解反问题的方法一个是GA,另一个是数学解析方法。
Similarly to inverse design, the network can be asked to optimize for a desired property. This functionality can be implemented simply by changing the cost function used for the design and without retraining the NN. 这是什么套路?迁移学习?
Similarly to inverse design, the network can be asked to optimize for a desired property. This functionality can be implemented simply by changing the cost function used for the design and without retraining the NN. 这是什么套路?迁移学习?